Welcome to Moonlight Soul Tuning

My name is Sherri Kirk. I created this space as a safe haven to help reflect your own light back to you, so you may use it to illuminate your favorite frequencies. Are you ready?


Soul Tuning Sessions

What if there was no good, bad, right, or wrong, just what you want and don't want. To me, this is the purpose of this lifetime: to simply unlearn what was downloaded to us unconsciously, in honor of a soul led life, which we consciously choose.


House/Physical Space Purging

Everything is energy. The items in our homes, offices, and the other spaces we occupy are part of our energy field. I will help you decide which items to keep, where space is needed, and what, if anything, feels best to fill your empty space with.


Reiki Infused Tarot or Oracle Card Reading

Tarot and oracle cards deliver messages from the collective conscious, our higher Self, the Akashic Records. To me, no matter what you call it, it's simply what we need in that moment. As a Tarot and Reiki Master, I will infuse Source energy to help you stay balanced while we delve into the unconscious realm and I untie the bows of your informational gifts.


Collaboration with Thee Holistic Maven